Common Ground Two

A city-garden for, by and with people with a background as a refugee and other Utrecht residents

Common Ground Two is a gardening-project for, by and with people with a background as a refugee in the city of Utrecht. People with or without children, living in AZC or living in a house for themselves, already.

We cultivate vegitables, herbes, flowers and small fruit. The harvest is for everybody who participates. People from the neighbourhood also join in.

At Common Ground Two we work together and enjoy good gardentimes.


Welcome at Common Ground Two

Do you like to be outdoors, take care of the garden and grow vegetables together? Or maybe help organize some extra activities, like a barbecue or a good lunch?

You and your children are very welcome. There is jobs for everyone.

The city-garden of Common Ground Two

The city-garden of Common Ground Two in Utrecht West is situated at a quiet, peaceful location nearby AZC Joseph Haydnlaan. In between other small projects, such as a little food-forest and nice little school-gardens we have 550 square meters available for our gardening. To do so we work together with Utrecht Natuurlijk, the organisation that supports us (amongst other things) to use their equipment.

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